Monday, March 8, 2010

Steps of developing self-compassion

Step 1: Realize that you're only human.

Say mantras to yourself such as, Everyone goofs up now and then, or Guess I'm human after all! Reinforce this line of thinking by reminding yourself of people you know who've dealt with the same setback you're facing. You may even start feeling affection for your idiosyncrasies and flaws as you realize that they're just part of what makes you you.

Step 2: Feel your pain.

Rushing through or denying your bad feelings won't make them go away, but wallowing isn't healthy, either. Mindful acceptance allows you to face your pain and then move on. "If you get mentally lost in blaming yourself or others, you prolong your suffering," notes psychology professor Kristin Neff, Ph.D., of the University of Texas at Austin. "But if you simply allow yourself to feel the emotion and let it run its course—which is often a wave that builds and tapers off—it dissipates much more quickly."

Step 3: Talk to yourself with kindness.

Now that you've moved past the difficult feelings that often come with life's obstacles, focus on comforting yourself. If you can talk to yourself as mercifully as you would to your best friend, you'll start to see yourself as worthy of that care and forgiveness. And eventually, you'll be able to tap into that self-loving mind-set whenever you're in a tough spot.Learning to be more loving toward yourself also brings a less obvious but equally important benefit.

Relaxing Eyes: Blinking Exercise

One useful exercise for relaxing your eyes is some sort of blinking based exercise. A standard one would be to blink for a few seconds. Then follow this up with eyelids squeezed gently shut for a second. Repeat a few times. This exercise is effective because it moves the focus of the eyes, and will also lubricate the surface of the eye because the tear ducts are stimulated by the squeezing motion which forms part of the exercise.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

hoW to WeAR TuDuNg? -by ZyRa wRaP


p/s: This video actually not showing us the real dress code of Muslimah that we should obey...
My suggestion is, use the same way of hijab style but make sure the material or tudung is bigger so that it will cover our chest... Happy TrYiNg!! ^_^ .

Muslim Dress Code Conditions

Islamic law is comprehensive in its enunciation of a code of conduct with respect to an individual’s life and dealings with others. Part of this are the rules pertaining to dress and attire.According to some fiqh scholars, the clothing must cover the entire body, only the hands and face may remain visible;
# The material must not be so thin that one can see through it.
# The clothing must hang loose so that the shape of the body is not apparent.
# The female clothing must not resemble the man's clothing.
# The design of the clothing must not resemble the clothing of the non-believing women.
# The design must not consist of bold designs which attract attention.
# Clothing should not be worn for the sole purpose of gaining reputation or increasing one's status in society.
The reason for this strictness is so that the woman is protected from the lustful gaze of men. She should not attract attention to herself in any way. It is permissible for a man to catch the eye of a woman, however it is haram (unlawful) for a man to look twice as this encourages lustful thoughts.  
A dress is supposed to serve two purposes:

1. Covering the `Awrah (private parts) of the body.
2. Serving the purpose of adornment and beautification.
Reviewing the Qur’an, we find that Allah, the Almighty, describes the dress of believers as “The Dress of Piety” or Libasut-Taqwa, and this exactly emphasizes the aforementioned two conditions, and stresses that such a dress should never be used for showing off. Almighty Allah says:  
“But the raiment of righteousness, - that is the best.” (Al-`Araaf: 26)

Islam has provided few guidelines to achieve this quality:
1. The first condition is that the dress has to be Halal by its origin, i.e. purchased or owned through Halal earning.
2. The second is that it must not imply imitation of other people’s dress. This means we should not imitate others’ religious attire or style, as the Hadith states:  
“Whoever imitates some people will be ranked among them.” (Irwaa’ul Ghaleel, Al-Albaani, Hadith no. 2384).
3. The third condition is that the dress must not carry any resemblance to women’s dress. This means men’s dress must not involve any kind of feminine style of adornment: pure silk, golden dress, very bright and fast color, are all considered permissible for women, but not for men.

Friday, March 5, 2010

How much jewellery is too much?


When we talk about wearing jewelleries, always there is a question mark here and there. Am I look good with this? Is it too much? Actually, it really depends on the actual items of jewellery itself. You just don't want too many pieces vying with each other for attention so that when people look at you they do not know what to look at first (after your face of course!)

Let say you have one of those beautiful charm bracelets with a whole stack of different charms. That kind of piece deserves special attention and it should not have to share it with 3 necklaces, a brooch, 5 rings and a pair of chandelier ear rings. Of course, this style rule does not mean that you should only wear one piece of jewellery. It just means that you should only one piece that has impact. If you want to wear your wonderful dangling chandelier earrings wear them with a simple plain silver bangle instead.
It also does not mean that you should always wear only one bangle or necklace, but if you have a wrist jangling with 5 thin bangles then that is your impact piece for now and wear only simple earrings, a watch and maybe a simple chain around your neck. You could combine necklaces instead (if they go well together) to make that your focal point in terms of jewellery. It could be any piece that makes your look. But just have one.

There is also a contrary point to this and that is not to have too little impact with your jewellery. If everything is too plain and simple and no piece has any impact at all you will not be enhancing your look with jewellery, you will look dull rather than well put together.

For more details, click here.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Simple Tips before Doing Your Make-Up

In the previous post we've shared some tips on facial care. Here is some other tips that we would like to share with you. We found this super simple tips yet really works from Hanis Zalikha's blog. We've tried the guidelines that she suggested and guest what???It really works! You should try it too before doing your make-up. Here's the steps to follow:

1. Wash your face with facial foam/ wash
2. Apply toner
3. Then scrub your face with facial scrub that contains jojoba beads
4. Wash your face with water
5. Apply toner again
6. Apply your moisturizer
7. Then begin your make-up!

Hanis explained, only by following these 'skin regime', your make-up will stay longer. Happy trying!!!


*.~.*♥The BeauTy of HiJaB.. *.~.*♥


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