Saturday, February 13, 2010

Get Blessings by Allah

A woman who dress according to Quran and Sunnah ~covered everything except face and the hand also not show of their adornment to those who have no right (except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or their slaves, or male servants who lack vigor, or small children who have no knowledge of women's private parts.

Whenever she go, she do not has any problem in performing the prayer because she wore perfectly according to Islamic path and can perform prayer as what she wear now. For Malay woman, most of them prefer to wear 'telekong' when praying because some of them do not wearing completely as recommended by Islam. So, they might have problem when there is no 'telekong' and may take this a advantage to refuse or delay their prayer.

Hijab: Obligatory or Fashion?

In my humble opinion, a woman who wear hijab either in beginning her age or puberty or not should know the limitation. Meanwhile, she must obeys what Allah command in wearing the hijab and not just because of fashion style. Women and fashion cannot be separated because they like to look good in front of people and try to impress people around. In fashion, Islam has given us some guideline and as the vicegerant of Allah, we must follow the rules.

There is a story about hijab requirement as narrated by Abu Dawud that 'A'ishah said:
Asma came to see the Messenger of Allah (saws). She was wearing a thin dress; the Prophet (saws) turned away from her and said to her:  
"O Asma, once a woman reaches the age of puberty no part of her body should be uncovered except her face and hands".

It should be noted that the Arabic word khumur (plural of khimaar) which has been translated above in the ayah from Surat an-Nurr as veils, means head covers, not face veils, as may mistakenly be supposed. It refers to a cloth which covers all of the hair. Furthermore, the word juyoob (plural of jaib), also found in the ayah of Surat an-Nur, refers not only to the bosom, as is commonly thought, but also to the neck.

see also

Niqab,Hijab and Nothing...



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